Welcome to the Gaming Club! At Georgia Highlands College, we help establish . . .

  • A fun and lighthearted community that promotes a positive image of gamers and a comfortable environment to meet others that share interests.

  • Tabletop gaming, featuring newbie tutorials and card game tournaments.

  • Video gaming, with access to online groups for matchmaking for casual and competitive gaming.

  • Access to all of this and more both in person and online in our Discord server!

Find us around using the buttons above.

Our Mission

The Gaming Club will provide the GHC community with opportunities for new and experienced players of table-top games, including tutorial sessions, tournaments and more. The club will promote a more positive image of gamers and gaming, focusing on the benefits of gaming such as building creativity and critical thinking skills; and will create networking opportunities for starting or joining gaming groups on campus.

Meeting Times

LocationTime & DayRoom
FloydTuesday @ 2:30PMGame Room
CartersvilleMonday @ 12:00PMStudent Center
OnlineMonday @ 4:30PMDiscord VC

Most meetings tend to last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. Feel free to stop by anytime!
All attendees will gain EXP with AmariBot for participating. Be sure to sign in when you arrive!

Click here or scan the QR code below to join the Gaming Club Discord server.

In an effort to continue to reach out to many students as possible, we use our GHC Gaming Club Discord server to connect all students from all locations, even the online students! Take part of online exclusive events/meetings, connect with students from other campus sites, and grow your friendship with others by staying social outside of a schedule.

We are always available to you! Feel free to find us on campus or contact us online if you ever have any questions or concerns.


Lilly Hayes - [email protected]
Client Support Specialist III, Information Technology
Floyd, Cartersville (as needed)
Ryan O'Connor - [email protected]
Professor of STEM - Chemistry
Paulding, Marietta


Ecru - [email protected]
President of Gaming Club & Cartersville Representative
Cole - [email protected]
Vice President of Gaming Club
Natalie Green - [email protected]
Public Relations Manager for Gaming Club & Online Representative
Vacant - email
Secretary of Gaming Club
Campus availability
Vacant - email
Floyd Representative
Campus availability
Vacant - email
Marietta Representative
Campus availability
Vacant - email
Paulding Representative
Campus availability

We are still looking for:
Secretary of Gaming Club
Online Representative
Floyd Representative
Marietta Representative
Paulding Representative
Please reach out to us if you are interested.

PLANNED EVENTS 2024 - 2025

OCT 11Friday Fright Night: Roblox DOORSOnline
OCT 12Cartersville Comic ConOff-site
OCT 18Friday Fright Night: Lethal CompanyOnline
OCT 25Friday Fright Night: Among UsOnline
OCT 31Halloween PartyCartersville
NOV 8WEBFISHING: Rodeo & JamboreeOnline
NOV 11Toy Donation Drive StartsCartersville
NOV 15Speed Run TourneyOnline
DEC 10Christmas PartyFloyd
DEC 11Christmas PartyCartersville
DEC 12The Game Awards Watch PartyOnline
JAN 24Roblox PartyOnline
FEB 21Minecraft Challenge: The Block GamesOnline
MAR 21Minecraft Challenge: Shopping ListOnline
APR 25NEW Semi-Annual Video Game Scavenger Hunt (SPRING SEM)Online
MAY 22Momocon 2025Off-site
???Gaming Club Presents "Skill Tree: Choose Your Path!"Cartersville
???Wellness Walk Around Paris LakeFloyd
???Battle & BrewOff-site
???PWPT NightAll

And more to come!

Join our Discord server to stay updated on what's going on in Gaming Club.